Eating Disorder Reasons & Treatment

Eating disorder refer to the serious behavioral and physical conditions in which an abnormal or unnatural eating behavior is being observed. The abnormal eating behavior may come up with several complications of health which may sometimes be fatal. Below are some of the types of eating disorders, we break them down in terms of the behavioral activity of the person, the symptoms linked to it, and the possible treatment of it.
Anorexia nervosa:
This is one of the most common types of eating disorders in which the patient feels that he is overweight despite the fact that he is underweight, with the fear of gaining weight the sufferer starts exercising and lowers the diet, which initiates self-starvation behavior. In severe cases, the person tries to induce vomiting and takes laxatives. It is estimated that the BMI Body mass index of a person suffering from Anorexia Nervosa typically falls under 18.5.
The exact cause of Anorexia nervosa is still unknown but experts believe that there are various factors like biological and environmental factors which may induce this behavior.
Signs & Symptoms:
There are various symptoms associated with the anorexia nervosa like;
- Dehydration
- Dizziness or fainting
- Low body weight and mass
- Severe constipation
- Disruptions or ceasing in Menstrual Cycle
- Heartburn
- Depression and Anxiety
- Kidney failure in some of the patients who are using an excessive dosage of laxatives.
Treatment of Anorexia Nervosa:
In most cases of anorexia nervosa, the patient refuses to accept that he is suffering from an eating disorder. In the fear of losing weight, he constantly avoids excessive food intake. The first step to treat this disorder is to help them restore their eating habits with the help of cognitive and behavioral therapies. Help them in making a proper diet plan to gain normal weight. Family or group therapy can be very effective, from where the person can talk openly and share his feelings. Also read about treatment for insomnia in cleveland.
Bulimia Nervosa
It is the type of eating disorder in which a person develops the behavior of binge eating. Which associated with eating a large amount of food in a limited amount of time period which can sometimes continue until the person gets full.
The typical behavior of Bulimia Nervosa involves forced vomiting, excessive exercise and fasting.
The exact reason for Bulimia Nervosa isn’t well known. But experts suggest that certain behavioral, biological, and environmental factors can cause this disorder.
Signs & Symptoms:
The symptoms of Bulimia Nervosa involves around;
- Sore Throat
- Heartburn
- Swelling of salivary glands
- Diarrhea
- Feeling dizzy or faint
- Excessive use of Laxatives
- Anxiety
- Binge eating
- Expression of shame while eating
Treatment of Bulimia Nervosa:
The treatment which proves to be very fruitful in treating bulimia is cognitive behavior therapy, it helps the patient to restore his normal eating behavior and identifies and eliminates unhealthy and negative behavior. It could be treated with a combination of some antidepressants. While group and family therapy is recommended to treat this disorder more effectively. A healthy diet plan associated with it is the key to a swift recovery.
Pica Disorder:
It is the eating disorder in which a patient frequently eats things that are not even considered food and have no nutritional value. It is most frequently observed in children under 2. Which may develop until adolescence. The behavior involves eating anything other than food, which includes any substance like paper, soap, metal, chalk, clay, clips, specks of dirt, stones, bricks particles, and clothes, etc.
Causes of Pica disorder:
The possible reasons behind the Pica Disorder may be due to the deficiency of any micronutrient which may initiate the eating behavior. Persons suffering from any other mental disorder like Schizophrenia may develop Pica Disorder.
Signs & Symptoms:
There is an extensive range of symptoms associate with Pica Disorder.
Some of them are below:
- Constipation
- Nausea
- Diarrhea
- Fatigue
- Stomach Ulcer
- Intestinal Blockage
- Bowel Problems
- Blood in the stool
- Teeth Injuries
- Infections
Treatment of Pica Disorder:
The treatment of Pica disorder may consist of monitoring the complications, like if the child has developed the habit of eating unusual things then the doctor may address those complications first like ulcer, constipation, diarrhea, and other intestinal infections.
It also involves testing the nutritional deficiencies of the individual and in that case, the doctor may prescribe some vitamin supplements for your Child. Behavior and family therapy help to improve this behavior with proper counseling and using certain positive and rewarding and preventive gestures could help the child to eat unusual things.
Rumination Disorder:
It refers to the eating behavior in which repeated chewing of food and voluntarily bringing back the swallowed food from the digestive canal and chewing them again occurs.
This behavior may develop in infancy and early childhood. It proves to be dangerous with the severe outcomes of weight loss.
Causes of Rumination Disorder:
The cause of Rumination Disorder is still unknown but experts believe that it may be due to some kind of anxiety or stress or physical condition like abdominal pressure.
Signs and Symptoms:
- Rechew of foods
- Weight Loss
- Bad Breath
- Dental Complications
- Abdominal Pain
- Nausea
Treatment of Rumination Disorder:
The best possible treatment for Rumination disorder is reversal behavioral therapy, It helps the person to understand the rumination activity and control them with the help of some abdominal muscle exercises. The contraction and relaxation of abdominal muscles will help to decrease the effects of this disorder. Biofeedback is also used to improve this activity.
So these were some of the Eating disorders which may have proved very dangerous. If they not addressed timely it can be most dangerous. The reasons for most of the eating disorders are still unknown but effective therapeutic treatments like behavioral and family therapy are more effective in treating this disorder as compared to any other treatment. If anyone found this in self then don’t ignore it. Take it serious and go for treatment as soon as possible. Because without eating no one can live. So, it’s important for healthy life you should fit for all things. Hope you enjoyed this article very much. Thanks postpear to provide us that kind of platform where we can read as we need.