Does age matter for the fertility of a female?

Getting pregnant is the feeling of pride. It completes a woman in all aspects. But, most of the women are unaware of the fact that pregnancy is something which is related to the biological clock ticking. The biological cycle of conception is ageist for both men and women. Both men and women must understand certain factors like age, the baby’s health, their health, and the choice of pregnancy. The pregnancy age limit affects the natural conception cycle of both men and women. It is common for both genders as they are both equally responsible for having a baby. Moreover, many factors define pregnancy risks by age. These factors affect the fertility of both men and women. This is how the conception cycle works and fertility naturally declines after a certain period.

If you or your partner are thinking of getting pregnant naturally, you can consider talking to the doctors of Lotus Hospital. The staff, surgeons, physicians, and nurses of the Lotus Hospital provide a peaceful and catering environment for the good health of the mothers and their babies. Lotus Hospital is a place where patients are provided the treatments of their choice. They can lead a normal life without any hampering and can get the best solutions to their medical issues.

How does age affect women’s fertility as compared to men?

Men and women have different age groups when it comes to fertility. They have different effects on each others’ bodies and thus produce different genetic factors in the baby. Women are likely to have a finite number of eggs. Women are born with ovaries that store only a few eggs in them. It signifies the health of a woman to get pregnant. In simple words, the female fertility age is different from the male fertility age. Women’s pregnancy window is short as compared to the men who can become the father of a healthy child even at a later age.

Let us look at the conception cycle age-wise:

This makes the perfect female fertility age. At this age, women are likely to have a healthy pregnancy with a healthy baby. Moreover, this age is best for having a baby because at this age a woman is more fertile. The difference in the fertility of women in their early 20s and late 20s is almost negligible. A woman can get great advantage of having a baby at this age. Also, this age is perfect for healthy eggs because at this age the eggs are free from any abnormal genes which can cause any kind of syndrome or birth defects.

During this phase of life, the chances of getting pregnant are good but decrease in comparison to the age factor. The conception cycle remains at 15-20 percent per month. During this period of life, any person may develop any underlying health issues like diabetes, cholesterol, blood pressure, fatness, and related problems. This is likely to affect the health of a woman conceiving a baby. The ability to conceive naturally declines when a woman reaches 35. This is because the quality and quantity of eggs decline. This may lead to other risk factors like chances of having a baby due to C-section, prone to miscarriage, increased risk of ectopic pregnancy, etc.

Female fertility age rules out the chances of conceiving. The pregnancy rate dips to 5 percent between the age of 40 to 44 whereas it gets reduced to 1 percent when the woman reaches the age of 45. The age starts affecting the ovulatory cycle that holds the natural process. It is being noticed that half of the women population worldwide undergo fertility issues after the age of 40s. Moreover, this age defines the pregnancy risks by age, especially for females. However, one should not give up hope. There are still chances of getting pregnant with certain types of medications and surgical procedures like IVF.

Why does age affect the fertility of a female?

Pregnancy is a personal matter of partners involved in a relationship. They get pregnant whenever they feel the right time to have a baby. It is completely fine if the partners want to focus on their career and finances rather than having another responsibility for a baby. But no one can deny the fact that today’s lifestyle and the conception cycle have declined the natural way for a woman to get pregnant naturally.

Pregnancy Age Limits the choice of having or building a family. No fertility expert can help you if you cannot get pregnant naturally. Moreover, fertility decreases with age, and the conception cycle after the age of 35 creates very few chances of having a healthy baby. Female Fertility Age matters because as soon as the female gets older the quality of the eggs starts declining as the eggs also get old with time. The factors which either lower or increase the pregnancy risks by age are:

No complications remain with only females, male fertility age also matters to have a healthy baby. As the males get older, they tend to start losing their fertility but it is comparatively slower in comparison to females. The male fertility age is nearly 40-45 when they start falling in terms of their conceiving capabilities. Women are born with eggs that are produced once a month. This fact is contrary to the fact that males produce millions of fresh sperms daily.

Female fertility also undertakes the quality factor. With age, it becomes challenging to assess the eggs. The egg count starts declining and the complications related to pregnancy increase by age. Egg contains the qualitative chromosomes which further contain DNA within each egg. With the increase in age, DNA starts producing abnormal genes that affect the health of a baby.

Even if the baby is born beyond the age of 40 in females, there can be an increase in the risk of health problems at birth. A baby may suffer low birth weight, congenital abnormalities with the requirement of neonatal intensive care. At this age, there can also be chances of premature delivery and the baby becomes prone to certain disorders like ADHD, autism, etc.

The Takeaway

The passing years have become more challenging. It has adversely affected the conception cycle of both males and females. Although it is possible to have a baby in the 30s or 40s, the risk factors also work following the changing lifestyle, environmental issues, and the increasing dependence on medications. It is the genes of the parents that develop abnormalities and get older with the age of both partners.

Even if you try to have a baby there can be numerous risk factors due to certain health issues that hit at the age limit of the 30s or 40s. Before trying or getting any kind of hope, make your doubts clear and talk to the experts of Lotus Hospital. The doctors of Lotus Hospital will treat you with the best facilities, technical gadgets, and diagnosing treatments. They let you have a healthy lifestyle that may bring you new hope.

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