Do Security Guards Affect Premises Liability Cases?

A security guard can help create a safe environment for guests and prevent people from engaging in dangerous activities on a company’s or homeowner’s property. However, if an accident happens on the property, having a security guard on duty may raise accountability for injuries. Hiring a professional and experienced lawyer can help you to file an injury case, and a lawyer can save you from the financial hardships you will incur due to the accident. This blog will guide you to learn how security guards affect premises liability cases.
Lack of Adequate Security
Lack of adequate security is a type of premises liability. When a property owner should have provided enough protection for visitors, clients, or customers but does not, and as a result, someone is a victim of a crime, it happens.
It includes:
- Stealing
- Theft
- Damage to property
- Assaults
- Arson
- Sexual Harassment
- Killing
Security guards may face legal action for malpractice or negligence because one of their responsibilities is to protect others from harm. The right insurance can help in this situation. Security service personnel need insurance, just like doctors do, to protect them from negligence lawsuits.
How Premises Liability Caused by Inadequate Security Training?
All property owners have a duty of care to their guests, which requires them to provide a safe place to enter. It includes taking care of guests who are staying at their rental property. On the other hand, trespassers do not have a duty of care unless they are children, so there are some exceptions. One type of negligence that can give rise to a premises liability claim is offering inadequate security. Here are some examples of insufficient guard security:
- Without Mentioning Any Known Hazards or Risks to Tourists:
Inadequate signage is a proven way to open yourself up to liability for accidents on your property. Signs should be posted to inform visitors of potential dangers, hazards, and risks.
- Failure To Meet Security Requirements or Preserve the Image of The Establishment:
Failure to maintain the property can give the impression that it has been abandoned, which can encourage trespassers to enter the land. Neglecting your duty to follow safety regulations can lead to potentially catastrophic accidents and loss of life.
- Refusal To Respond To Emergency Calls or Security Warnings:
If someone alerts you to a hazard or hazards on your property that requires immediate attention and you, as the property owner, need to take action to address the problem. If you fail to do so, you may be held liable for any injuries.
- Not Employing Security Personnel With Formal Training:
Although a security guard is not required, their presence will increase the security of the property owner’s property. A property owner with few or without security guards on duty to safeguard visitors from potential risks or hazards may be held liable.
A security guard on the premises can strengthen security measures and prevent incidents. However, if accidents occur and the security guard on duty fails to protect those on site, the property owner may be held more liable. When a security guard is present, it can help prevent trespassing, injuries, or participation in activities that could cause an accident.