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Diabetes in Women: Symptoms, Causes, Treatment

Diabetes is a metabolic disorder that happens due to a lack of insulin or insulin resistance in the body. Insulin produced by the pancreas gland converts sugar from food into energy by passing it into cells. The insulin problem creates a lot of sugar in the bloodstream, which creates type 2 diabetes conditions in women also.

Women also suffer from the risk of gestational diabetes during pregnancy days or after the birth of a child. It has been observed that women with gestational diabetes retain the risk of developing type 2 diabetes in later stages. Some early symptoms are detected at the early stage that could lead to the prevention of the spread of diabetes in women through better diet and lifestyle changes.

Type 1 and type 2 diabetes in women

Type 2 is common diabetes in women. As 90 percent of all diabetics are type 2 diabetic. It occurs due to low production of insulin or insulin resistance in the body. Type 1 diabetes happens when insulin-producing cells in the pancreas are attacked by the body’s own immune system of the body.

Type 2 is a lifestyle of diabetes or diseases, while type 1 is genetic and from birth. It can also develop soon after birth.  Type 2 is controlled with diet, lifestyle changes, and Glucobay 50mg. type 1 needs insulin infections.

Symptoms of diabetes in women

Symptoms of diabetes in women

The majority of symptoms are common to males and females, however, some symptoms are just unique to females.

Vaginal itching and pain

It also includes vaginal infection. The outgrowth of a fungus is behind vaginal yeast infection. The women may experience pain during intercourse, discharge, and itching.

The decline in desire for intimacy

Like males who suffer erectile dysfunction issues when they have uncontrolled diabetes, women also show a decline in desire for intimacy. This is due to low blood circulation towards the vagina. Low blood circulation also causes a decline inability to achieve orgasm.

The damage to nerves results in dryness in the private part and a decline in sensation or ability to respond to male touches.

 Infection in the urinary tract

This happens due to the entry of bacteria into the urinary tract. The bacteria can enter the urethra, ureters, bladder, and kidneys. The basic cause is sugar in the urine, which makes it easy for the bacteria to grow. The women also suffer pain during urination, blood in the urine or cloudy urine, and a burning sensation.

Polycystic ovary syndrome

This causes insulin resistance, which leads to a higher concentration of glucose in the bloodstream. The problem also shows through irregular periods, excess hair growth, receding hairline, and hair on the face. High insulin levels often cause diabetes in women. It has been observed that half of the women with polycystic ovary syndrome develop diabetes.

A lady observing irregular periods shows weight gain, infertility, acne, and depression needs to consult a medical expert.

Other symptoms of diabetes in women


Excess thirst

Excess thirst means that no amount of water can quench the thirst.  The basic problem is that excess glucose in the bloodstream puts pressure on the kidneys. Kidneys work hard to filter and absorb it. When kidneys cannot match the demand, they ramp up the production of urine to pass the excess urine and glucose through it. With excess urine, dehydration takes place, which increases the demand for water throughout the day.

Healing problem

A small cut on any part of the body takes time to heal in diabetes. This happens when sugar is increasing in the bloodstream.

Numb feet and hands

Numb and tingle in hands and feet are due to nerve damage, an advanced stage of diabetes in women.  The person feels needles or pins in hands and feet.

Low mood

Studies have pointed out that diabetes is the cause of depression and anxiety in both men and women. One in four diabetics may suffer from depression or anxiety. The higher a person remains with diabetes, the higher chances of mood swings.

Vision issue

Diabetic often sees floaters, which is a sign of vision getting affected with diabetes. However, this sign occurs only in advanced stages of diabetes in women. High diabetes or glucose levels lead to damage of blood vessels in the retina. It causes bleeding in blood vessels. A woman with diabetes may also note black floating spots in the vision field. Blurred vision is one of the causes of diabetes in women. It is necessary to get the dilated eye examined to prevent blindness.

Gain or loss of weight without any reason

Without a change in diet or daily activities when there is fluctuation in weight, it is another sign of diabetes. This is the time to consult a doctor and get a detailed examination done.

Pregnancy and symptoms of diabetes in women

A woman can have a healthy pregnancy even with diabetes. Both type 1 and type 2 diabetes do not impact the pregnancy provided the woman can control diabetes before or during pregnancy. It also prevents gestational pregnancy in women, which happens only in pregnancy or after childbirth.

Keep blood glucose levels in control during the time before getting pregnant. Keep monitoring the blood glucose levels during the pregnancy period. The blood glucose levels should be within the safe limit.

Babies in the womb also require glucose to survive.  A higher glucose level in the bloodstream could affect the normal delivery and may impact the health of the baby. High blood glucose transfer to babies can cause cognitive impairment, delay in development, and high blood pressure. 

This is why a woman with diabetes or prediabetes needs medical guidance during pregnancy and before pregnancy to manage the blood glucose levels to safe levels. The doctor decides the safe level of glucose levels, which may differ from a pregnant lady to a lady who is not pregnant.

Gestational diabetes and symptoms of diabetes in women

Gestational diabetes occurs in women during pregnancy is close to 10 percent of cases. The change in hormones during pregnancy interferes with insulin and leads to higher blood glucose levels in the bloodstream.

Some women see a decline in blood sugar levels after pregnancy. Gestational pregnancy goes away after pregnancy. But in some cases, gestational diabetes remains to cause risk of type 2 diabetes in women.  A woman who has or had gestational diabetes during pregnancy is vulnerable to type 2 diabetes. They need to keep the blood glucose levels in check with proper diet and lifestyle interventions.

Risk factors behind symptoms of diabetes in women

Overweight, family history of diabetes, over 45 years of age, high blood pressure, case of gestational diabetes during pregnancy, cholesterol levels higher than normal, sedentary lifestyle, medical or healthy conditions such as polycystic ovary syndrome, etc. are some cases which increase the chances of developing type 1 diabetes.


Treatment of diabetes in women

Doctors recommend trajenta 5mg, along with a diet change and lifestyle intervention to control sugar in the bloodstream.  The best method is a complete change in diet with regular exercises according to lifestyle.

Ladies who are using birth control pills, also need to switch to lower-dose birth control pills. Birth control pills increase blood glucose levels. Doctors mention medication according to the level of diabetes. Early detection of prediabetes ensures the reverse of diabetes with only diet and lifestyle changes.

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There are a lot of signs to know that diabetes is present in the body. Early detection and treatment prevent the spread of diabetes with lifestyle changes only.

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