Cure for Atrial Fibrillation with Kitchen Ingredients

Atrial Fibrillation

Atrial fibrillation (AF), also called AFib, is a condition that can cause irregular and often rapid heart rate and lead to stroke and heart failure. This is one of a group of heart rhythm conditions called irregular heartbeats which are caused by changes in the electrical impulses of the heart. In a healthy heart, regular electrical beats between 60 beats per minute and maintain your heart rate in a steady rhythm of 100. This is called bone rhythm. When you receive AF, the electrical signals all become the random and chaotic cures for atrial fibrillation, causing both chambers of your heart (atria) to twist or twitch. This in turn causes your heart rate to become erratic and may cause it to beat faster than normal.

Cure for Atrial Fibrillation

Medically, there is no cure. But, using natural remedies, in specific homeopathic remedies, this disorder, like all others, is very durable. The best Cure for Atrial Fibrillation, includes ginger, turmeric, and vitamin E in the diet. A good diet is absolutely essential for good health. If you think that a petrol engine will not run on diesel fuel, then it is easy to realize this idea. If you do not eat good food, it is designed for your body can not serve you. It lacks essential nutrients to work the truth.


Ginger is an herb Cure for Atrial Fibrillation that can effectively help decrease blood coagulation. It can also prevent new clots and reduce the risk of a stroke. In fact, it promotes healthy blood circulation throughout the body. Both dried ginger and raw ginger extracts can reduce the formation of blood clots.



Best known as a natural anti-inflammatory herb, but it also acts as a natural blood thinner. Turmeric can help prevent your platelets from clumping together and forming clots.


Garlic is good for your heart health and is even more beneficial if you are at a high risk of getting blood clots. Containing sulfur, allicin and paraffinic polysulfide are in the garlic act as compounds such as adenosine to dilute the blood. Garlic can also lower blood cholesterol and triglyceride levels, which in turn can reduce plaque formation and the risk of a heart attack.

Cayenne Pepper

Cayenne Pepper has a powerful blood-thinning effect on your body and it also increases circulation.

It contains a chemical called capsaicin that can help cure for atrial fibrillation arterial-limited lipid deposits and help dilate arteries and blood vessels. It also helps reduce the concentration of fibrin, which plays an important role in the formation of an insoluble protein clot.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E has a diversity of remedial benefits, including improving blood flow and stopping blood clots.

When taken orally, vitamin E E1, a platelet-inhibiting fatty acid, can reduce platelet accumulation by improving prostaglandin sensitivity.

 Information by: Herbs Solutions by Nature

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