Coronavirus 2nd Wave in India: Preventive Measures

The 2nd wave of coronavirus hit India like a storm. It was more devastating than the 1st one. India has been reported as the most affected place by the 2nd wave. 80% – 85 % of Indians are asymptotic (a person who doesn’t show any symptoms), who continue to be the largest carriers of this virus. They don’t isolate themselves and can transmit the virus even when they are talking. In such times you should completely sanitize your surrounding with the help of professional sanitization and fumigation services.
The virus is spreading faster for every age group. With the virus becoming more infectious and keeps on mutating for the immunity system, every person needs to strictly follow the COVID-19 protocols. Hospitals and healthcare facilities are struggling to keep up with the rising number of cases. As per recent reports, Delhi and Maharashtra are the most affected states in India, with Karnataka, Gujarat, Punjab, and Madhya Pradesh just behind.
How Does Coronavirus 2nd Strain Spread?
According to multiple researchers, the 2nd strain of coronavirus is possibly airborne. It can probably transmit through the air. The 2nd strain is more infectious indoor than outdoor but can be significantly reduced with proper ventilation. Earlier it was believed that maintaining 6 feet of social distance from the infected person won’t get you infected. But now the study says, if there are more than 8 – 10 people in a room maintaining social distance and one of them is infected, the virus can attack all people. The virus persists in the air, so by proper ventilation, you can avoid catching the virus.
Preventive Measures:
While the coronavirus is highly contagious, we can still prevent it by taking proper precautionary measures. Government can only provide so much with necessary treatments, but prevention is in our hands only. Here are some of the ways on staying vigilant to the novel coronavirus 2nd wave:
Get the Vaccine:
Coronavirus is life-threatening. Nobody knows how it will affect you. The government is trying its best to provide vaccines to every person as soon as possible. So, if you are eligible for the vaccination, take it immediately. It may protect you from the deadly virus.
Always Wear a Mask:
Considering that COVID-19 can be transmitted through the air, it is very important to wear proper well-fitted masks while outside or talking to someone. It is also recommended to wear double masks to prevent the further spread of the virus. Masks act as a filter for the particles that come out of our mouths. So, you should always wear a mask to protect yourself as well as others.
Before wearing a mask, you should sanitize your hands. Your mask should entirely cover your nose and mouth, and secure it under your chin. Also, make sure your mask is breathable. When you take off your mask, handle it by the ear loops and then clean it properly. If you have a family member who tested positive for COVID-19, wear the mask inside your house too.
Maintain Social Distancing:
As per the Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), maintaining 2 yards or 6 feet distance from one another can prevent the spread of the deadly coronavirus. Not only from corona-positive declared people but maintaining social distancing can also keep us safe from asymptomatic ones.
Sanitize Regularly:
The coronavirus can latch on several objects and surfaces. The virus can also linger there for few days and when you come in contact with it, you will get infected. So, it is very important to sanitize your hands regularly to avoid getting the virus inside you. Do not touch your face with un-sanitized hands. Do not prepare food or drinks before washing your hands. Always keep your home sanitized.
Stay Inside:
During this time, where the virus is everywhere, avoid going outside as much as possible. Avoid going into crowded places like malls, restaurants, theatres, gyms, functions, etc. These are the places where the risk of getting infected is more. In case of indoors, you should avoid poorly ventilated places. No one is immune from this virus. You won’t know who is infected and who is not. Go out only for emergencies.
Common Symptoms:
Adhering to the preventive measures, everyone should also watch out for the common symptoms of COVID-19. Those who are already affected by lung disease or diabetes are more at risk to get affected by the virus. There have been many symptoms and while the list is increasing, the common symptoms remain the same. Here are few common coronavirus symptoms:
· Fever
· Dry cough
· Shortness of breath
· Sore throat
· Fatigue
· Loss of smell and taste
· Runny and stuffy nose
· Gastrointestinal infection
In this situation of crisis, the only thing we can do is take proper safety precautions and help each other. The government is doing everything it can possibly do. It is now in our hands to increase or decrease the number of corona cases. Use masks, sanitize regularly and maintain social distancing. We should always remember, stay inside and stay safe.