Health & Fitness

Can you feel an ovarian cyst from the outside?

Well, a woman can face problems due to ovarian cysts. An individual needs to know that this condition doesn’t show any symptoms. Besides that, the person should understand that ovarian cysts are small in size. Following that, one’s doctor may use his hands to feel its presence. Still, an individual needs to rush for a diagnostic test for its detection. So, the woman may consult the Gynecologist i n Delhi for this cause. 

Here, the reader may read this article to know everything about an ovarian cyst. Even, one can come across the feeling of an ovarian cyst through diagnostic tests.

Can you feel ovaries from the outside?

Most importantly, one must note that the ovaries are an internal part of the body. An individual can’t notice any symptoms concerning the same. Here, the woman may go through some excruciating pain in the abdomen area. At times, a person can also undergo some sort of pain in the pelvis. Moving on, one’s detection of ovarian cyst becomes a big trouble.

Furthermore, one’s need to go for regular screening becomes quite mandatory. Moving on, a person need not allow their cyst to rupture at all. An individual may face some serious trouble by undergoing the same. Eventually, one’s feeling of heaviness may also indicate this kind of condition. 

What are the signs of an ovarian cyst?

Typically, an individual must note that an ovarian cyst doesn[‘t reflect any signs initially. Following that, the woman can notice some kind of stomach uneasiness. Here, one’s need to visit a gynecologist holds utmost importance. 

So, the woman’s signs of ovarian cyst may include the following:

  • Bloating
  • Painful bowel movement
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Breast tenderness
  • Pain during the menstrual cycle
  • Painful intercourse
  • Pelvic Pain
  • Pain in the thigh
  • Back pain

 What does the pain in an ovarian cyst feel like?

Precisely, a woman’s pain concerning an ovarian cyst may vary from person to person. An individual may face more pain as compared to others. One may undergo a set of uncomfortable signs on the rupturing of the ovary. An individual’s twisted ovary may have unwanted problems as well.

However, the woman’s pain in the ovary becomes crucial at some point in time. This may include the following:

  • An individual in her menstruation may face the deep pain of an ovarian cyst. Generally, one’s release of eggs during that period boosts its occurrence.
  • Necessarily, the person’s ovarian cyst has associated with reproduction. Here, one may face much discomfort in the pelvis and abdomen region. 

However, a woman must know that many health conditions reflect similar symptoms. Here, the doctor uses a diagnostic test for understanding the actual ailment. Furthermore, one’s treatment plan is carried out by discussing with the concerned doctors.

Important Diagnostic test for Ovarian Cyst

Primarily, a gynecologist will check the pelvis area for the detection of ovarian cyst. Here, an individual will go through multiple diagnostic tests accordingly. Following that, the woman needs to realize the significance of these tests. 

So, one’s diagnostic tests may include the following:

  • Physical Exam

Resilient gynecologists may try to feel an ovarian cyst physically at the very beginning. An individual’s ovarian cyst may be felt during a pelvis exam. 

  • Blood tests

A woman undergoing her menopause phase must go through a blood test for this. Here, the person’s risk of ovarian cancer can be detected by experts.

  • Ultrasound

The doctor may recommend the patient go for an ultrasound for tracing an ovarian cyst. Generally, one’s location and size of an ovarian cyst can be pinpointed through this technique. Even, a gynecologist can confirm its cancerous nature through this technique.

  • Biopsy

An individual may go through a biopsy to confirm the risk of ovarian cancer. The doctor checks tissue from the patient’s body for this cause. Eventually, one can have the confirmation of cancer cells through this. 

Thus, a woman is directed towards a series of diagnostic tests to check the presence of an ovarian cyst. Here, an individual may go through many laboratory tests as well. 

Best treatment option for Ovarian Cyst

Typically, the woman may not require any sort of treatment for an ovarian cyst. An individual’s diagnostic tests will determine the course of treatment. Simultaneously, a person’s age and size of the cyst must be taken into consideration. Even, a woman’s detection of the ovarian cyst through a diagnostic test has relevance. 

Still, one needs to know about the treatment means for this cause. So, the person’s best treatment option for ovarian cyst may include the following:

  • Surgery

In case, an individual goes through severe symptoms of ovarian cyst then surgery is recommended. The person may face a small incision in the concerned area by the laparoscopic procedure. Moving on, a woman can also go through a large incision concerning the abdomen. Here, the doctors use laparotomic procedures for attending to those cysts. Hence, the patient must keep up their patience during the treatment.

  • Medications

At times, the person’s symptoms of ovarian cyst may not disappear on their own. Here, an individual may be prescribed contraceptive pills by the doctors. So, a woman’s pain can be relieved by consuming the same.

However, the doctor may monitor the growth of the ovarian cyst for a few months. In doing so, the woman’s diagnostic tests can aid the process significantly.  Ultimately, a woman may feel the relevance of imaging tests in the detection of ovarian cyst.


People must know that doctors can feel the ovarian cyst by touching it. Following that, a doctor may undergo a physical examination for this cause. Besides that, one should know that ovarian cysts don’t reflect any signs initially. Here, all the woman’s awareness of ovarian cysts becomes quite necessary. Moving on, an individual needs to prepare herself for undergoing some diagnostic tests. Furthermore, the person must know about the importance of treatment options of Ovarian Cyst. However, a woman’s cysts may disappear within a certain time as well. So, an individual can talk to the Gynecologist in Delhi for the same.


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