Best Practices To Do My Online Exam
The digitalization of the education system made us all think about the probabilities of what are the best practices to do an online exam? In this article, you will get to know some of the best practices for an online exam. When it comes to the exam, students might consider it as a panic moment most of the time. They don’t know what to do and how to perform their best strategies on paper.
From childhood till date a student know one thing for sure is how to take in-person exams. Online exams are no exception in this regard, they are quite similar. But the hype and pandemic made it more of an issue which is not. To succeed in an online exam there are a few best practices to attempt an online paper.
Before The Online Exam
Basic follow up:
Preparation is not a piece of cake to do at the end time. You have to give dedicate time and attention to ace an exam. Make sure you read and understand all the guidelines before starting a paper. Is there a specific date and time to attend an exam or do you have the option to set a time according to you? What is the duration to complete an exam? Can you take your test at home or do you have to be in a specific situation? Are there other important things that need to know mentioned by the instructor or proctor?
All of these questions should be answered before starting a paper. Thorough reading and comprehension of terms and conditions are necessary.
You should know the exam format:
Ask your instructor or teacher beforehand about the exam format. Research shows that students who know the format before the exam have shown a low level of stress and anxiety. Because there are numerous options to take an exam and it depends on the instructor what course of action would follow. Either, fill-in, multiple-choice, short Q/A’s, essays or it could be conceptual.
Mock test:
If your instructor gives you a chance to practice your test before attempting the final exam, just TAKE IT! A mock test will help you know about the knowledge and practice of your exam. This always comes in handy.
Check your system:
To avoid any last-minute mishaps. Make sure to check your computers and laptops before starting an exam. Moreover, high-speed internet should be available to you. All these assurances will keep away from any sort of accident at the last minute.
Study class notes:
I know it sounds obvious, if you have an exam you will read and go through all of your lecture notes. But many students in case of “open book exam” does not bother to look at material. It is important to review as if you were taking an on-campus exam.
Gather your material:
Collect all material that you need to during an exam. So, it will be easily accessible to you when you need it. If notebooks and other things are allowed for your exam, ensure that they are available to you.
It is important for an online exam that you have a spot with minimum distractions. Take your test in a place where no one comes to make a conversation. Inform your family and friends earlier that you will be taking an exam, so they can’t disturb you. Turn off all notifications that will make you distract, shut down the TV, or any other thing that makes noise.
Last but not the least, take a deep breath, calm down and relax for a moment to get focused. Because no amount of anxiety and stress going to help you in your do my online exam.
During The Exam
Keep an open eye on the clock when you start an exam. It is easy to get lost in your exam and forget about the time. To have time management set alarms to notify when your exam timing is ending.
Save copies:
This part is determined by an instructor. Whether you are allowed or not to print and save copies of the test questions and answers. I am repeating again, that you need to know this and ask permission before saving any question or even answer. In most cases, this is not allowed so be sure about your actions. However, many facilitators will allow students to save copies of questions and answers in case of any technical error during an exam.
Don’t leave the main page of your exam:
If you have an open book exam where you are allowed to search the answers, do not use the same tab for searching purposes. I repeat! Do not use your exam tab for other searches it will lose all your data in a second and you cannot restore that. Instead, open a separate tab or a different browser for all your searches.
Technical problems:
In case of any technical problem, immediately contact your instructor and explain your situation. A proctor will be able to guide you thoroughly on what and what not to do. Don’t panic and try to solve the matter as calmly as you can.
Check your answers and work before submitting. Assure that your content follows the guideline. Proofread to have accuracy in your answers with no grammatical errors.
Finally submit:
When you are done with your exam click on submit. You only need to do this once, but in case of any error do it twice, not more than it. Inform your exam instructor as soon as possible so they can have a look at it. If they want they will let a student know to send an attached document through different software or process.
The Final Verdict
Online education and its practices are not an easy option to go with. But with time you can learn and will be able to adopt these methods easily. To know the best practices to do my online exam, follow the above guideline and criteria. You will be able to recognize what to do and what not to do.