Children of all ages should maintain a healthy lifestyle, especially the physical part. Doing proper exercise, playing various kinds of games, or learning yoga is a great way to develop good motor development skills in children. The absence of proper physical exercise may hinder their growth and make them feel lazy. According to many studies conducted, a lack of physical exercise not only has an adverse effect on the body but also on the mind.
So, for the better future of the children, many daycares in Gurgaon encourage them to have a healthy lifestyle by incorporating physical activities for much more active motor skills in children.
Here are some of the physical activities that daycare includes for developing motor skills:
- Gardening:
This activity which is known as a popular hobby for many people allows a good deal of physical exercise for the participants. During gardening, one tends to plant seeds, change the soil, add water, remove weeds or unwanted plants, as well as cut and trim the dead leaves allowing the fine use of both hands and legs. It also helps the body to stretch to its limits and extend the forgotten muscles as the activity requires squatting on twos or fours to plant a seed.
Gardening is a kind of activity that the daycares in Gurgaon often make their children participate in. It refreshes the mind and helps to form good coordination between hands and eyes.
- Sports Period:
Every school or daycare has a sports period at least twice or thrice a week in their curriculum. Playing different kinds of sports or games during this period works as the best medium of forming good coordination between hands and legs as well as makes the players form a kind of team with each other. The level of team spirit is increased as well as children have the best time of their day being under the open sky.
Every sport helps the children to maintain a good physical form and leads to good health as well as a fit body. For many, it also converts to the perfect hobby or life career, if they are good at it. Thus, it is one of the most perfect activities practised by the daycares in Gurgaon to develop children’s motor skills.
- Putty & Dough:
One of the most famous games for children between the age range of 1 year old to 3 year old, putty & dough has been an ever-present game for every child. It is true for the kids to present in daycare as well. By using putty dough and making various figurines, structures, shapes, etc. kids learn how to apply the appropriate amount of pressure with their fingers and hands to either form a shape or break one. This teaches them motor skills from an early age.
Also, the teachers and the staff in the daycare in Gurgaon guide the kids in creating various shapes and figures. It is a very fun exercise regardless of the dirt the kids might make in their wake.
- Exercise:
Everyone should include this physical activity in their schedule if they don’t already have it. Doing regular exercise is extremely beneficial for all people, both adults and kids. For the little kids, doing plain exercise includes activities like jumping, rolling, pushing & pulling, running, throwing & catching, climbing up & down, and so much more. These kinds of simple exercises include running and using the various muscles of the body at different kinds of speeds resulting in forming a much better and balanced motor skills development.
Also, these activities when done at the daycare in Gurgaon with various kinds of rewards or prizes for the winners leads to a much-increased enthusiasm and fun element.
- Painting & Drawing:
Painting and drawing, even sketching, helps the kids to learn about the basic motor development of the body. With fluid movements that include grace and languid motions, these hand movements make the whole exercise worth the while. Painting including large and small strokes and getting a better idea of the various motions of hands allows the kids to learn about the importance of moving their body parts as per the need. It also helps to make better coordination between eyes and hands movements.
This exercise also gives immense calm & peace to the mind and can lead to becoming a life career choice for many kids. Painting & Drawing is always a part of the curriculum of daycare in Gurgaon.
- Common Games:
By involving the children with simple yet interesting games like rice play, water play, or sponge game, the daycare in Gurgaon plays with the children on a regular basis. You can also play them at home to let your child practice. All you have to do is take two empty bowls, one for you and the other for the kid, and a bowl filled with either water or rice, and make your child pick the water with a sponge and squeeze it into the empty bowl to check who will do it first. The same you can do with the rice game. Just exchange the sponge with tweezers. This helps them in learning about hand-to-eye coordination and teaches them the importance of patience.
Sports & Fun:
Sports and games are the best hobbies any person can have as well as they are a good medium to teach the children about various important lessons in life. One being behaving perfectly nice and good with each other. The rules in the various games like football, basketball, badminton, etc. teach the kids about the importance of living by the string of rules and their benefits as well. Through sports lessons held by the daycare in Gurgaon, children learn about being in perfect harmony with other kids, learn about team spirit as well as know the importance of leadership. The exercise from sports and fun activities keeps both their body and mind fit and strong. Plus, it makes kids happy and that is what the most important thing in life is.
This activity is really famous in the daycare facilities where teachers and other members of the staff turn it into a kind of competition for increasing enthusiasm. Doesn’t it sound like a fun way to let your child spend a good time learning and playing? So, what are you waiting for? Find a good daycare for your child and make every moment worth it.
Various daycares in Gurgaon held separate classes for the children where they learn about different kinds of hobbies from the teachers. These classes work as a stress reliever as well as a perfect opportunity for the children to showcase their talents in certain fields.
The above-mentioned factors and pointers are some of the examples of how letting your children attend day care in Gurgaon will work wonders for them. So, if you don’t want your kids to miss out on the important lessons of life and don’t feel alone while you are busy providing for them, then choose the best daycare in Gurgaon.
These are some of the activities that the daycare in Gurgaon always include in their curriculum and make the children of all age practise at regular intervals. So, if you’re also a working parent and thinking of leaving your children in daycare during work hours, you should check for these activities as part of their curriculum or not. Let your child become as fit and healthy as they can and in complete control of their body from a young age.