A Beginner’s Guide to Reading the Bible

Do you wish to read the Bible but don’t know where to start? You are not alone. People feel overwhelmed when deciding where to start and often get bogged down in the first four pages and give up. However, reading ESV bibles is not as hard as it seems. Reading the bible is like communicating directly with God and understanding who He is, what he expects, and how much he loves his people. Moreover, there isn’t any chronological order of reading the bible, unlike other books. This article has some tips to help you learn how to read the bible with ease and fun. Continue reading!
#1 Choose the version which is understandable and easy to read
If you cannot understand it, it is obvious you will not read it. Therefore, the first thing you need to do is choose a version that is easy to understand. Today, there are various versions available for you to choose from. But as you are a beginner- New Living Translation (NLT) or English Standard Version (ESV), or New International Version (NIV), are highly recommended for you. This is because these versions are understandable, easier to comprehend, and will not make you feel discouraged or frustrated.
#2 You don’t have to start from the first page of the Bible
Now that you have got a good bible for yourself, you would wonder where to start reading. Here it is essential to understand that the bible is not a novel that you open page 1 and start reading. Instead, the bible is a library of books, letters, documents, and poems. It contains 66 separate books- 39 books of the Old Testament and 27 of the New Testament. So, the best way to read the bible is to start with whatever inspires you to read more.
#3 Read a small section of the book every day
Don’t read the entire book or a chapter in a day. Start small! Reading 5-10 minutes a day is better for beginners because you remember more and get it into your life better when you read less. Besides this, reading small portions a day will help you retain your interest and walk you through any problem you’re facing. Choose a time of the day which is most suitable for you, either it can be the first thing in the morning or the last thing before you go to bed. Whatever it is, the important thing is that you are reading God’s words; what time you read is not important.
#4 Start with the prayer
Wait before you open the book. Pray to God and ask Him to speak to you. Pray that he helps you understand the meaning of his verses. Ask God to teach you, nudge you, and even redirect you as and when necessary. Lastly, pray that you see Christ in the passage.
#5 Note it down
When you start reading ESV bibles, you will find a few verses that may speak about some issues you have been grappling with, or they answer the long-held question swirling in your mind, give you comfort or encouragement or give you an example to follow or avoid. If there is something that resonates with you, stop there itself and write it down. It would be great to go back and read all that God has been telling you.
Remember, bibles are not meant to inform you; they transform you. So follow these steps mentioned above devotedly, and soon you will inculcate the habit of reading the bible every day.