![Is Blogging Dead](https://postpear.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/GuestPost1.png)
Blogging has become one of the most Rewarding Career only for those who have taken this seriously and dream of huge success in this field. So, here I am going to discuss the major Aspects of Blogging.
We are going to address two questions. One is blogging still worth it, and two, what is the future of blogging? So with that being said, let’s get right into it. Now, the first question is blogging still worth it? In my opinion, blogging is still highly relevant. Yes, blogging will change in the future. It’s going to morph. You have to adapt and adjust and evolve as a blogger, but there’s always going to be some form of blogging moving forward.
As long as you’re creating high quality content that’s helpful to your readers, I believe blogging is always and will always be worth it. Now where blogging wouldn’t it be worth it is if you’re not creating quality content, if you’re just slapping together really quick, low quality short articles just to try to gain some rankings or whatever your motive is there. Blogging Isn’t going to be worth it.
Google more than ever today is looking for high quality comprehensive types of content to provide their users. So blogging is absolutely worth it, but you gonna make sure you’re producing this high quality content in order to compete.
Now I quickly want to go over the second question and address which is what is the future of blogging ? And basically what you should be focusing on, in my opinion, moving forward. So number one, quality of content should be top priority. The future of blogging is going to really revolve around providing readers with the most helpful, valuable and informative content that you can.
I said before that Google is really rewarding those blogs and blog articles specifically that are comprehensive and content that are really informative, they really describe a subject in its entirety. So one of the most important aspects to focus on and areas to focus on with the future of blogging is quality of content. Make sure that everything that you put out and everything that you produce is quality.
Most of the Bloggers find it Difficult to write SEO Optimized Content. There are many Services you can find in the Internet providing Articles for your Blog, although those are expensive too. So here is a Solution for that, you should try ContentHub for all your Content Need and SEO Services.
Number two, you want to make sure that you’re incorporating YouTube videos into your blog content. When we talk about the future of blogging, I really think YouTube is going to play a big role in that. More and more people are using YouTube as a search engine more than ever Now. There’s a lot of traffic and there’s a lot of attention on YouTube, so it’s important that you incorporate that. You can also use Pinterest for Traffic. Pinterest is having huge Monthly Active Members. There is a Lot more Opportunity to Get Traffic from Pinterest.
You should start a YouTube channel to begin with, but that you also combine this with your blogging business as well, so that you’re embedding some of your YouTube content onto your blog, make sure you’re putting videos into some of your blog content and also just making sure that you’re producing content on YouTube on a consistent basis, just like you would with your blog. There’s a lot of people now that would prefer to watch a YouTube video over reading a blog article for example, strictly just because that’s how things seem to be moving.
YouTube is getting more popular. Video content is getting more and more popular, so it’s important that you definitely embrace YouTube and if you haven’t started a channel already, definitely get onto building up your YouTube channel if you’re a blogger and incorporate video content into your blog as well. And make sure you’re cross-promoting, make sure you’re telling readers about your YouTube channel on your blog and vice versa.
Make sure on your YouTube channel you’re telling your viewers about your blog. So YouTube is definitely part of the future of blogging and it’s but crucially important that you are set up and producing quality content on YouTube as well.
Number three is to generate content for featured snippet type results and also voice search. We’re seeing more and more of these featured snippet type search results within Google, which can be an excellent target for a blogger to go after. These are really great, quality type results that generally are above the regular organic listings. Sometimes they can be within them, too.
There’s different types of featured snippets, but these can be great additional targets for bloggers to move towards, to really try to rank for, because they can bring in a whole ton of targeted traffic. So I think a lot of the future of blogging is going to be going after these types of featured snippet type results. And you can optimize your website to get better ranking in certain ways.
You Can mark it up with schema markup, which can help obtain some of these rankings as well. You want to make sure that your content, the content you’re producing, utilizes bulleted lists, numbered lists, proper headers, make sure you’re asking and answering questions within your blog content, so even within your headers, ask a question and then answer it with a short description under that.
Voice search is definitely going to be part of the future of blogging. Look how popular you know Alexa has become and other voice search platforms as well. So you want to make sure that you are writing content every once in a while that is in a question and answer type format. That can really cater and be good for ranking for voice search results as well down the road. So number four is to make sure your blog is mobile friendly. So these are the most important areas to focus on if you’re a blogger.
Author – Myself Paban, co-founder of ContentHub. I am an Enthusiast Blogger and a Small Startup Owner too. I love helping others setting up their digital presence. Hope you got some value from this post.
Have a Great Day. 🙂