Are you trying to come up with 1st wedding anniversary ideas? Traditional 1st wedding anniversary gifts made from paper. This may leave couples wondering how to come up with the first wedding anniversary ideas. These first wedding anniversary ideas are elegant, while still reflecting the tradition of paper gifts.
Have a special photo framed as a first wedding anniversary idea. If you’ve been procrastinating on getting those wedding photos enlarged and framed this is perfect timing. Give a photo of yourself if you wish. How about a photo of a loved one that has passed on? Consider a photo of your favorite spot or the place you met as a first wedding anniversary idea. It’s picture-perfect. Or you can select a photo cake for your loved one by online cake delivery and it will be an amazing gift for your special ones.
Scrapbook Anniversary Gifts
A scrapbook of your first year together is a sweet first wedding anniversary idea. This gift holds special meaning for years to come. Any bride would love to know her groom put this much thought into a gift. Check scrapbook stores for the first wedding anniversary-themed books, paper, and embellishments for the scrapbook.
Give an unselfish gift of tickets to his or her favorite event. This could be a movie, concert, theater presentation, or even a wrestling match. Remember, this isn’t a gift for you, it’s a gift from the heart for your loved one. Graciously attending with your spouse on your first wedding anniversary is a gift in itself.
Message in a Bottle
A love message enclosed in a bottle is a wonderfully romantic first wedding anniversary idea. Compose a love poem on beautiful stationery. Consider scribing it with a calligraphy pen. If you don’t know-how, some services write custom poetry. Not feeling poetic? Write a sincere love letter instead.
Paper Flowers
Paper Flowers may sound like a cheap first wedding anniversary idea. Some companies make very expensive and long-lasting paper flowers for first anniversaries. Your spouse can save their first wedding anniversary flowers for many years. As an alternative, buy paper-wrapped real flowers.
Is there a book your spouse especially likes? Consider a first edition copy as a first wedding anniversary idea. If possible, have the book signed by the author. If this first wedding anniversary idea is not in your budget, consider just a book your spouse has been longing for. Another idea is a boxed set of a favorite series.
Board Game
Board games don’t have to be boring. A board game made for couples can be a fun first wedding anniversary idea. Another idea is an origami boxed set. Cards are made of paper too. How about a stack of inexpensive games you can play together or with friends? Many couples don’t have an assortment of these after just one year together.
Paper is the traditional medium for first-anniversary gifts. That doesn’t mean your anniversary gift has to be cheap. The ideas above demonstrate that paper first-anniversary gift ideas can be creative and classy, You can find the huge collection of anniversary gifts on Online Gift Delivery in Kota and Use one of these ideas to bring special meaning to your first anniversary. Your spouse will be impressed with your thoughtful, traditional gift.