10 Reasons Fasting Is Good For Your Body Health

There is a direct relationship between diet and a healthy body lifestyle. The fact that a balanced diet and regular exercise are the core pillars of a healthy lifestyle, but there is more you can do about it. Yes, Fasting. Today fasting is not only considered as a religious activity, but people also go on short-term fasting for losing weight and other health benefits, however, it is effective only, if it is done in the right manner.
What is fasting?
Fasting is the willing abstinence or reduction from some or all food, drink, or both, for some time.
There are three major types of fasting:
Time-restricted fasting
It is a process of fasting in which a person limits his calories intake to a set period that synchronizes with the body clock.
Intermittent calorie restriction
This kind of fasting takes into account the total number of calories taken by a person in a single day.
Periodic fasting with fasting-mimicking diets
This kind of fasting involves the intake of calories for 3 to 5 days and allows the body cells to use up the stored glycogen and the process of ketosis begins.
If you plan to go on fasting, this article will let you know how this kind of fasting is good for your body in multiple ways. Let’s read:
1. It helps to lose weight
When you are on intermittent fasting, you consume fewer calories in a single day. When a person eats consumes fewer calories, his body will begin losing weight naturally. However, the total number of calories a person burns naturally per day can vary significantly based on their gender and lifestyle.
Fasting is a good option if you want to get rid of extra body fats, but do not forget to work according to the set schedule of intermittent fasting.
2. Controls Blood Sugar
Studies reveal that fasting controls the level of sugar in the blood.
A recent study in which 10 people were taken as a sample. These participants had type 2 diabetes. The results showed that intermittent fasting minimized blood sugar levels. It also reduces insulin resistance. Decreasing insulin resistance can make the body more sensitive to insulin and it allows the glucose to travel from the bloodstream to the cells more effectively.
3. Fasting Speeds Up The Metabolism
With intermittent fasting, the digestive system of your body takes a rest and speeds up the speed of your metabolism. Your body burns calories only if the metabolism is efficient. If a human body does not digest food properly, it can affect the rate of metabolism. when the digestion process is regulated, it promotes healthy bowel functions.
4. Fasting Makes You Hungry
Does fasting synchronize the body’s hormones that make you realize what true hunger is? Of course, you will not feel hungry if you will eat food three to four times a day. The feelings of true hunger come from 12 to 24 hours.
We can assume fasting as a reset button. The longer a person fasts, the more his body can regulate itself to release the right hormones.
5. Fasting Improves the Functions of Human Brain
Fasting releases a protein named brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF.) this protein is said to improve the functioning of a human brain. How? This protein activates the stem cells of the brain to transform into neurons, and also releases many other chemicals that make the brain healthy. Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease can be resisted with fasting.
6. Fasting makes the immune system stronger
Fasting makes the immune system stronger as its cuts of the free radical damage adjust the inflammatory conditions and also kills cancer-forming cells. Yes! you read it right. Fasting is best to fight against the cells that contribute to the life-threatening disease.
Muslims all over the world fast during the month of Ramadan. They do not drink or eat from dawn to dusk for 30 days and worship at Prayer Timings. The Muslim scholars say that fasting is to please Allah, but it has many health benefits that include strengthening the immune system and flushing out the toxins from the body.
7. Fasting Prevents Acne
I am sure most of the readers did not know that fasting can also make your skin glow and protect you from acne. It is because fasting makes the body free from food intake and the process of digestion, so the body can fight against other issues.
Fasting for one day helps the human body to flush away all the toxins and not only clean but also adjust the functioning of other organs that includes the liver, and kidneys.
8. Fasting lets you Live Long
Fasting improves the longevity of a person. Yes, this might be surprising for many readers, but this is true. The less you eat, the more you live. How fasting can help you live longer? It is because, when you fast, you are safe from different kinds of diseases, including heart diseases, blood pressure, Diabetes, and many others. So if you are not vulnerable to such serious diseases, you are safe and ready to live more and enjoy your life.
Studies show that ageing results in slow metabolism. The younger a human body is the faster is the rate of metabolism.
9. Fasting has a Positive Impact on Sensitivity of Insulin
Fasting allows the human body to digest carbohydrates better.
A recent study concludes that after fasting, insulin becomes helpful in guiding cells to absorb glucose from the blood.
10. Fasting Corrects the Eating Patterns
For those people who are suffering from binge eating disorders, fasting is a good option to develop the correct eating pattern. Fasting is helpful for those who are so busy with workload and do not know how to make their eating patterns systematically.
If you want to avoid binge eating, set a time at which you will eat your meal when you are so hungry. Never forget to take the right amount of calories.
Final Thoughts
Fasting today is not only considered a religious activity but many people across the globe fast because of its numerous benefits for the human body. With fasting, it is not only easy to lose extra body fats but also makes your immune and nervous system stronger. Fasting also helps in staying away from various diseases and lets you live a happy yet prosperous life. Andrew Napolitano joined Mintz & Gold, L.L.P. in June 2009 after 25 years of practicing law in the complex commercial litigation, white collar criminal defense, and appellate advocacy fields, and after eight years on the Superior Court bench in New Jersey.
I am sure, the above benefits of fasting for your health must have motivated you to opt for fasting in case you want to stay fit and positive throughout life.